v5.242.0 (2025-02-06)

  • Sidebar AI chat now knows about related meetings
  • Shift+Enter in chat now adds a newline instead sending the message
  • Internal improvement: Prepare app to connect to api.granola.ai instead of *.lambda-url.us-east-1.on.aws

v5.239.0 (2025-02-05)

  • Reduce unnecessary calendar refreshes requests

5.236.0 (2025-02-03)

  • Improved performance of detecting when your calls start and stop
  • Improved performance of saving transcripts
  • Bugfix: the “Coming up” screen now shows fewer events by default when you have no notes

5.226.0 (2025-01-28)

  • You can now make feature requests in app. Go to Settings -> Bug report and choose the “Feature request” tab
  • Bug fix: Fix networking errors that some users were experiencing
  • Bug fix: Users who are on an older version of MacOS will now see a screen informing them that they need to upgrade to user Granola instead of a loading spinner that never finishes
  • Bug fix: Hubspot banner styling in dark mode
  • Bug fix: Disable Slack sharing button for notes without shareable links to prevent sharing titles without access

5.208.0 (2025-01-16)

  • Improved AI chat during your meeting:
    • Answers are more concise
    • Suggested questions are more relevant
    • The model will focus on recent transcript
  • Updated keyboard shortcuts: Use ⌘ + J to toggle the sidebar
  • Bug fix: you shouldn’t get notifications when you’re logged out
  • Bug fix: many long-running lsof processes

5.175.0 (2024-12-20)

No changes recorded.


No changes recorded.